
Rand Refinery Limited

    Rand Refinery Limited

About Rand Refinery Limited

As an independent private company, our shareholders are drawn from across the South African gold mining industry, placing Rand Refinery in a unique position. This gives us extensive insight and unique understanding of the precise requirements of both the mining process and mining houses, ensuring we fully meet our customers’ needs. At the same time, we enjoy the full support of two of the largest gold mining houses in the world. This gives us sustainability of supply which gives comfort to our downstream customers.

In the early days of South African gold mining, the crude bullion produced had to be shipped to London for refining. However, the year 1909 was the first step on our journey of independence when the Transvaal Chamber of Mines founded the Witwatersrand Co-operative Smelting Works, to treat the gold and silver bearing by-products from reduction works.

On 27 November 1920, Rand Refinery Limited was registered as a private company with initial capital raised from shares limited to gold mining companies that were members of the Chamber of Mines.

Throughout our journey to independence we constantly strive to put both our local and international clients top of mind and continue to pursue valuable change in everything we do.

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